先日の小包に続いて、イギリスから本が届きました。「The Cookery Year」というレシピ本。うちの旦那さんが子供の時にこの本が家にあって、学校のバザーのお菓子などをこの本のレシピで、お母さんと一緒に作った思い出があるのだとか。
I’ve received another parcel from England which is a book called "TheCookery Year". My husband’s family used to have this book when my husband was a child. He told me he often made some biscuit or cake with his mum for the school bazaar by recipes from the book.
So this book is full of my husband’s childhood meals and sweets.
The first edition of the book printed 1973 which is my birth year!
Take a look in side of the book, there are lots of cool pictures. I can see rhubarbs which is one of my husband’s favourite food.
レシピは、「The Cookery Year」というだけあって、12ヶ月のセクションに分かれていて、それぞれの月の季節の食材を使ったレシピが、前菜からデザートまで載っています。
Because this book is called "The Cookery Year" there are 12 month sections in this book and each month’s recipes includes seasonable ingredients from starters to puddings.
There are sticky tags in this book. The yellow tag page is pork pie and green tag page is Cornish pasties which I told my father-in-law I wanted to try someday. How nice is that!
早速、このレシピの中から、私の大好きなレモンカードを作ってみることに。Lemon curd レモンカード(またはLemon cheeseレモンチーズとも言う)は、ジャムの一種?お菓子のフィリングなどにも使われるレモンクリームです。フランス語だったら、クレーム・オ・シトロンかなぁ。
とにかく、甘酸っぱくてすご~くおいしいです♪ そして作るのもとっても簡単でした。
Today, I tried the lemon curd recipe from the book. I love lemon curd and this is very easy to cook.
Ingredients are very simple. Two large lemons, butter, sugar and three eggs that’s all!
Grated lemon rind.
Squeeze lemon juice.
Mix all ingredients.
Heat on double boiler until it thickens.
It’s done! I need use it within a month.
せっせと、お菓子や、パンに使いましょ♪ もちろんトーストに塗って食べてもOKです♪
I’m looking forward to baking bread and cakes with my home made lemon curd!
My room is full of lovely citrus smell, it makes me happy.
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