Currently in Japan ume fruit is in season, so I wanted to try making yeast from ume for the first time. I have read on some blogs which describe how to extract ume yeast and everyone said the yeast is very active and stable.
This is 3 days after I put some fruit in water with 2 tsp of sugar.
Little bubbles are coming out from around the fruit.
I need little more patience and wait until it’s done.
Then with rest of the ume fruits I made jam.
Ume fruits are quite tangy so you can make lovely bracing flavor jam with them.
First of all, wash fruits and pick out tiny calyxes with a skewer.
Then put in a large pan with plenty of water and bring to the boil.
Once it begins to boil turn off the heat and drain them. Repeat this
process 3 times.
Next, prepare an amount of sugar equal to half of the weight of the
drained fruit. Put the drained ume fruits back in to the pan and mash
with a wooden spoon.
Put half of the sugar into the pan and heat with
a medium flame and simmer for 10 minutes whilst continuously stirring
with a wooden spoon to prevent the fruit from scorching to the bottom
of the pan.
Remove the stones from puree and add the remaining sugar in to the pan.
Simmer again for approximately 15-20 minutes until the mixture becomes thick.
Pour in to a sterilized jam jar.
I’m planning to bake some bread with this tangy ume jam with creamy
cheese or creamy.
